Mountain Lion

Hunting mountain lions in New Mexico and Arizona is an exhilarating pursuit, involving tracking these elusive predators across diverse landscapes. Professional guides, often aided by skilled hounds, enhance the experience by expertly trailing scents and ensuring a safe and memorable hunt.

Our professional guides are experts in mountain lion hunting, utilizing skilled hounds to track and locate these elusive predators efficiently. Their expertise and the hounds’ keen senses ensure a successful and memorable hunt for every hunter.

Hunting mountain lions in New Mexico and Arizona offers excitement year-round, with different seasons providing unique opportunities. Whether it’s tracking them through snow-covered landscapes in winter or pursuing them amidst lush foliage in summer, each season presents its own challenges and rewards for hunters seeking this thrilling adventure.

Any Weather Package Snow Only Package Gato Grande Package
$6,500 +Tax
$8,500 +Tax
$12,000 +Tax
6 Day Hunt
6 Day Hunt
10 Day Hunt with Unlimited Return Option,
Till You Kill
Fully Outfitter
Fully Outfitted
Fully Outfitted
75% Success
100% Success

Check out the Trophy Room

Lions, Bears, Elk...Oh My!